The Organising Authority (OA) will be the Moscow Sailing Academy (LLC "Sailing Academy").
VENUEThe venue will be Oreshka yacht club, Boltino, Moscow Region, Russia.
(a) Race office open from 27.09.2019, 12:00.
(b) Registration on 27.09.2019 from 13:00 until 19:00 and on 29.09.2019 from 09:00 until 10:00.
(c) Crew weighing at the same time as registration.
(d) Practice 27.09.2019 from 13:00 until 20:00.
(e) First briefing 28.09.2019 at 10:00.
(f) First meeting with umpires following the first briefing.
(g) Opening Ceremony 28.09.2019 at 10:00.
(h) Racing days from 28.09.2019 to 29.09.2019.
(i) Time of the first race each day will be 11:00 on 28.09.2019 and 10:00 on 29.09.2019.
(j) The latest time for an attention signal on the last day of racing will be approximately 16:00.
(k) Daily press conference 60 minutes after the last race of each day.
(l) Prize giving on 29.09.2019 at 18:00.
Unless excused by the OA, attendance at the following is mandatory:
(a) Initial briefing for skippers.
(b) Daily briefing, for skippers.
(c) Daily press conferences, for skippers sailing that day.
(d) Regatta dinner, for skippers.
(e) Prize giving for the final skippers and crews.
12 skippers will be invited. Only skippers invited by the OA will be eligible to enter this event.
The registered skipper shall helm the boat at all times while racing, except in an emergency.
To remain eligible a skipper shall confirm acceptance of the invitation in writing, (e-mail is acceptable) to be received by the date specified on the letter of invitation.
A non-refundable entry bond of
EUR 300 shall accompany the acceptance of the invitation for this to be valid.
All competitors shall meet the eligibility requirements of World Sailing regulation 19.2.
All competitors shall obtain an World Sailing Sailor ID by registering online at Skippers shall inform the OA of their World Sailing Sailor ID at registration.
The team shall be entered on completion of registration, crew weighing and the payment of all fees and deposits. All payments shall be made by credit card, interbank transfer, or in cash in local currency (RUB).
Entry Fee
A non-refundable entry fee of
EUR 300 shall be paid by 18:00 on 27.08.2019.
When a skipper accepts an invitation and later withdraws within 15 days of the event or leaves the event before the end without written approval from the OA, a zero score may be applied to their Ranking points for that event by World Sailing. (World Sailing Regulation 27.2)
Damage deposit
An initial damage deposit of
EUR 500 shall be paid at registration, unless extended by the OA. This deposit is the maximum payable by the skipper as a result of any one incident.
If a deduction from the damage deposit is decided by the OA, it may require that the deposit be restored to its original amount before the skipper will be permitted to continue in the event.
Any remaining deposit after the event will be refunded within 10 days after the event.